A walkthrough of stage 3 with gameplay and technical features

Developer: Indigames Inc. Publisher: Mirrativ

Mugen Horror Action


A live multi-genre game in which player explores haunted places to uncover the stories behind and defeat the main ghosts. For each level, player starts by searching & solving puzzles to find the key to the room where the main ghost stays. Once entering that room, player is in combat mode with the ghost.

After defeating the boss, player will receive items, clothes and materials to equip himself or enhance his camera. The items and equipment can also be found in the shop.

The game is split into 3 parts:

- 3D third-person exploration of the place
- 2D puzzle-solving and searching mode
- 3D first person shooter combat.

The game is released on Mirrativ app that allows players to livestream while playing. Viewers can give gifts or gacha to players or chat with them. When there are viewers, player will have a boost strength at the beginning of the game.

What I did:

- Implemented shop, inventory, gift, and notification system.

- Implemented buffer mechanics that give player boost strength when there are viewers.

- Worked with backend team to integrate websocket APIs for saving and retrieving data from Mirrativ's game server.

- Implemented puzzle-solving mini games for gameplay.

Studio: Indigames Inc.
Time on project: June 2022 - November 2022
released in late November 2022 and had been the most popular game on Mirrativ app for 3 months. 

All rights reserved to Indigames Inc. and its respective owners