Technical features of the demo

Racing Game - Computer Graphics


A 3D racing game in Computer Graphics - a module at City University of London.

I used a custom framework created by the university to make a game in C++. The framework is made with OpenGL and has basic features. 

I. Technical features

1. Catmull-Rom Spline & GPU Vertex buffer rendering/texturing

- The entire track is created following Catmull-Rom Spline formula. VBO and VAO are created to store the vertexes data for rendering.

- Normals and texture coordinate are also calculated using 3D vector math to apply correct texture to the track.

2. Blur Shader

- I created custom radial blur shaders, including: fragment shader and vertex shader

3. Camera with TNB frame

- I used TNB frame to create different camera views, including: first person, third person, and top-down view